We're  hiring!

Administrative Assistant

Position Summary
*Part-time: About 20 to 22 hours per week

The Calvary Baptist Church Administrative Assistant is a person who aids the pastor and other church staff, personnel, and members in carrying out the various administrative tasks of the church. The person who fills this role will be willing and able to hold regular office hours in person Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (exact times can be negotiated) to fulfill their responsibilities and serve as a consistent presence and point of contact in the church office on campus.
Prior experience or education in this area or a related field is valued but not essential.

Examples of Regular Tasks (not an exhaustive list):

Be Proactive in Communicating with Pastor about upcoming events, preparation, needs, etc

Answer Phone Calls and Emails at the Office
Assisting with Birthday Cards for Pastor, (pull monthly names, create labels, etc)
Ordering Tithing Envelopes When Requested

Deposit Tithes/Offerings at the Church’s Bank

Attend Staff Meeting monthly - 12:45 pm on the first Sunday of the month
Handle Purchase Order Requests
Keep Excel Spreadsheet of Financials - holds record of ministry team budgets, current giving, references and shares quarterly giving reports, etc.
Fields Benevolence/Assistance requests - from both members and others
Schedules/Maintains Church Calendar and Events
Use the Church Copier to Make Prints, Copies, and Scans for Ministry Needs
Assists with Special Event Needs (i.e. Great Jelly Bean Race Community Outreach, Christmas Caravan Outreach, Feast of Thanks Fellowship)
Inventory & Order Supplies for Kitchen, Janitor, Office, etc

Keep Track of Attendance Records -  from worship and small groups gatherings

Send Letters and Other Documents both Electronically and Manually

Assist with Church Website and Social Media Maintenance

Start Date:
As soon as possible

Youth Minister

Purpose: This profile is intended to outline the basic expectations and responsibilities for the position of Youth Minister. As will all areas of ministry, there are times when additional responsibilities will be required that contribute to the mission of the church beyond the student ministry. The Senior/Lead Pastor, in concert with the Personnel team, reserve the right to amend, edit, add to, or take away from the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of this position with the full knowledge of the Youth Minister. Any edits will be prayerfully and carefully considered in consultation with the Youth Minister.

Position: Youth Minister
Supervisor: Senior/Lead Pastor
Status: Co-Vocational or Part Time

Areas of Ministry Responsibility:
Wednesday Night Gathering: Calvary Students
• Organize and lead the primary weekday worship event.
• Recruit, supervise, and utilize a leadership/teaching team.
• Primary teacher/leader for the group worship activity.
• Organize the collection of guest data and ensure a follow-up system is utilized and results are communicated to the office to be integrated with the church database.
• Ensure that all properties and equipment are appropriately utilized and cared for.

 Sunday Morning LIFE Groups:
• Recruit and train small group leaders for Middle and High School students.
• Promote participation in LIFE Groups by all students and their families.
• Lead (disciple) the leaders to “shepherd” the students in their charge.
• Organize the collection of guest data and ensure a follow-up system is utilized and results are communicated to the office to be integrated with the church database.

 Additional Responsibilities:
• Organize and supervise the participation of one summer activity (Camp or similar activity).
• Organize and supervise a Winter/Spring discipleship activity (D-Now/ Winter Retreat, etc.).
• Organize and supervise every quarter a fellowship/outreach event as strategically determined. To be clear, quarter is defined as every 4 months or season (i.e. Winter, Fall, Spring, Summer). DNOW would count as the fellowship/outreach event for the quarter it is in (whether Winter or Spring). Summer camp would count as the summer quarter event.
• Be engaged with First Priority and/or FCA at some school in Pensacola to some degree (the degree being approved by the Senior/Lead Pastor) even if it isn’t a weekly commitment.
• Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Senior/Lead Pastor.

 • Complete required paperwork for expenses, event requests, material orders etc. as prescribed by policy or practice in consultation with the Senior/Lead Pastor.
• Prepare an annual strategy in the Fall of the year along with anticipated budget needs and provide a request for budget considerations by September 15 of each year.


• Participate in staff meetings.
• Brief the Senior/Lead Pastor on matters of sensitive nature or leadership concerns, and on all matters involving safety and security.

• While this position is not that of a Senior/Lead Pastor, the responsibilities of the role are pastoral. As such:
o Maintain open and candid communication of pastoral concerns with the Senior/ Lead Pastor.
o Be quick to escalate concerns to the Senior/Lead Pastor as required.
o Be open to providing biblical care and guidance for the youth and parents. If desired, the Senior Pastor can be involved at some level with any particular case.
o Develop appropriate relationships with the students to counsel, guide, teach, instruct, and encourage them. This is done both on campus and in person as well as through the use of social                      media and texting/phone calls. *The Youth Minister must exercise wisdom and caution however when communicating with youth especially on social media and texting/phone calls. The                                 Youth Minister should avoid private conversations with girls/women unless absolutely necessary and with support and knowledge of communication with another trusted brother or sister                         in Christ. Do not meet with a girl or woman alone. Do not give car rides to only one girl or woman. Do not give the enemy (or those being used by him) an occasion to bring an accusation                                  against you if it can be avoided through wise and discerning living. The balance is discipling and reaching students while protecting your own integrity, that of the students/parents, and the                    witness of our church family. If there is a doubtful situation, seek the counsel of mature, trusted brothers and sisters in Christ, especially the Senior Pastor.

• Recognize that Student Ministry fits into a larger system of ministry within the church; therefore, student events and activity should not be in conflict with other ministries and events (the same principle of unity applies to all other ministries as well). Harmony and unity should be sought with other ministries in our church. For example, if date or teaching focus conflicts arise, consult with the rest of the staff and the Senior/Lead Pastor. Look for appropriate actions that consider the overall health of the church ahead of individual ministries. There should be no reason for a “student activity” to occur at a time when participation in it has a negative effect on the rest of the church.


• As part of a staff of ministry leaders, teamwork and mutual submission is required.
• Seek to maintain a culture of teamwork rather than one of “silo ministries.”
• Work out differences and disagreements between staff privately in a biblical manner. There is never a case for the staff to present a less-than-united position regarding matters of church concern.

• Maintain and practice a lifestyle consistent with that as outlined in 1 Tim 3, Titus 1, and commensurate with the honor of serving the Lord Jesus by calling and privilege.


• In the performance of your responsibilities, the church will be responsible for providing all required resources, consistent with its expense policy (i.e. prior approval required for budgeted and non-budgeted activities). While there may be occasions when you are led of the Lord to pay for some activities, fees, or materials personally, this is never expected or required. If the Lord desires for us as a church to undertake an activity, He will resource that ministry.
• The church will provide an office for you to work out of.
• Please do not assume that if we don’t have a resource, that it is intentional or unaffordable. “…you have not because you ask not…”  

Doctrinal Agreement:
• Discipleship is never about creating clones or robotic followers. It is about seeking, discovering, and faithfully obeying the will of God individually and corporately.
• If there are ANY doctrinal disagreements with the Senior/Lead Pastor, those should be discussed immediately with him and only with him. There is never a case when two people will agree on everything but the Scriptures say only one thing. Therefore, humble men can pursue truth with earnest hearts and come to an appropriate conclusion. There should always be unified doctrinal teaching within the church, or an agreed upon understanding of how to communicate varying conclusions on secondary or tertiary doctrines.

The privilege and responsibility incumbent upon the man of God in fulfilling this ministry are weighty. But, God is greater. We have every confidence in you that you can and will be a welcomed part of the ministry team at Calvary. Anticipating great things in and through you as the Youth Minister here!