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Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Calvary, we understand and affirm that we are a SENT people (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15 et. al.) In our approach to fulfilling our mission as a sent people, we divide up our engagements in three broad categories:
We see it is a critical task to help others fulfill their God-given ministry by becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus. That necessarily requires us to give attention to growing individually and as a community in our knowledge and application of the Scriptures and in the application of that knowledge as we serve one another and the broader community.
There is an inherent responsibility on our church to engage and make a difference in our community. Our Impact Ministries are diverse and include serving our local schools.
Calvary cannot be everywhere at all times. However, we recognize that we have a responsibility to address lostness in areas beyond our city as part of our Lord’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). As a church, we have a rich legacy of church planting and missionary efforts where we provide resources (money, volunteer teams, support, and coaching) to strategic partners around the globe.
Join the mission
Missions are vital to our faith and church. Below are the ministries and missionaries that our church supports by encouraging our congregation to serve, pray for, and financially bless those involved in the day to day operations.
Local Missions
One More Child - FBCH
National Missions
SEND Church-North American Mission Board
International Missions
Peggy’s Ministry—Children and Poor Beggar Women
Peggy and her husband, David S. served in Southeast Asia for approx. 8 years. They came back to the states. Peggy maintains a ministry for supporting poor and needy ones. In addition to her ongoing contact with local workers, she returns to help teach, encourage and be a resource to this ministry. Workers in field help facilitate this ministry. The money for "Peggy's Ministry Fund" provides resources that are not available to other workers on the field. She uses funds for: 60 kids' education—fees, uniforms, school supplies—workers get to have Bible studies with them. After school tutoring for poor construction worker kids—train to read and write and they receive a meal. Also, a worker gets to tell them Bible stories and this whole effort provides opportunities to reach their parents. Ramesh and Esther— Funds help with many widow’s meals weekly. One older adult girl's education for advanced study in medical records. Beggar women--rations once per month (oil, flour, shampoo, soap, sugar, tea, rice) and annually provide tarps (this is their home), jackets, etc.—given out of a local church based on their attendance. Peggy’s work with these beggar women has resulted, thus far, in 17 women being saved (who have 46 children) and now attend worship. local Orphanage--$200 monthly for food support for 40-60 kids. Also provides a resource to send street kids with no home, or parents. Village Sunday Schools—in 10 different villages. This effort each week is coordinated by local Pastors. Each Sunday School is for at least 2-3 hours and attended by 30-100+ kids. Each village has a pastor assigned to it and snacks are supplied each week, along with special events like Christmas. Many of these kids have been saved—this also draws their parents to Sunday School with curiosity.
Friends of India (Dr. David Shepherd)—state of Karnataka
David maintains a ministry in Southeast Asia for supporting the efforts of village workers. In addition to an ongoing contact with his partners, he returns to help teach and be a resource to these workers. The money for the following work is a resource that is not currently available to others on the field: Three sewing centers (using foot pedal machines) train women to keep them off the street/support family, across the area villages. It is a 6 month program-graduate with certificate, about 40 women per month in each center. But, they must allow the chaplain into their home for prayer, witness and encouraging the family. Local workers society now has 5 trainers in the field across rural districts for training leaders in all aspects of this work, and provides funds for salary and expenses Two groups of 30 pastors (in different languages) come monthly to the centers for training. These are the workers with the most potential –money is provided for travel, books, etc. This is a one year program and these new leaders will train others.. This literally serves as their “Bible college education”. Two pastors go monthly to villages with HIV kids (people discard them and their families) with powdered vitamins and share the gospel with kids and families—most children will ultimately die. Tentmakers School—This is a Bible and a trade training (to help workers come and provide travel and food while they are at the school. This is directed by is a long time church planter, and he has had a positive influence over about 2,000 village workers. Two other training centers (smaller) are operating in further regions for training new workers and leaders. Funds for medical needs, food, clothing, shelter and children's education are provided as much as possible for village workers.
Operation Christmas Child-Samaritan’s Purse
From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world. Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving. Year-round volunteers support these efforts across the country. Churches and groups of all sizes collect boxes from their communities. Some churches also serve as drop-off locations for shoeboxes the third week of November every year.
Lottie Moon
Lottie Moon – the namesake of the international missions offering – has become something of a legend to us. But in her time Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today's missionaries. She was a hard-working, deep-loving Southern Baptist who labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions’ involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists' first Christmas offering for international missions – enough to send three new missionaries to China.
International Mission Board – IMB
IMB partners with churches to empower missionary teams (3,600+ missionaries) who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. More than 4,800 people groups – close to 1 billion people – still live with little or no access to the gospel. Our mission is evangelizing, discipling, and planting reproducing churches among all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission. Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe, and nation knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ. We commit to obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to God’s inerrant Word. We believe Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for salvation and all people without personal faith in Him are lost and will spend eternity in hell. We seek to provide all people an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel in their own cultural context. We evangelize through proclamation, discipling, equipping, and ministry that results in indigenous reproducing Baptist churches. We serve churches to facilitate their involvement in the Great Commission and the sending of missionaries to bring all peoples to faith in Jesus Christ. We partner with Baptists and other Christians around the world in accordance with IMB guidelines. We understand and fulfill God’s mission through God’s Word, prayer, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Cost to operate the IMB is approximately $264 million annually - the special Lottie Moon offering given by the 47,000 SB churches annually provides approximately $154 million of this money and Cooperative Program giving provides approximately $110 million to support the IMB.
Peggy and her husband, David S. served in Southeast Asia for approx. 8 years. They came back to the states. Peggy maintains a ministry for supporting poor and needy ones. In addition to her ongoing contact with local workers, she returns to help teach, encourage and be a resource to this ministry. Workers in field help facilitate this ministry. The money for "Peggy's Ministry Fund" provides resources that are not available to other workers on the field. She uses funds for: 60 kids' education—fees, uniforms, school supplies—workers get to have Bible studies with them. After school tutoring for poor construction worker kids—train to read and write and they receive a meal. Also, a worker gets to tell them Bible stories and this whole effort provides opportunities to reach their parents. Ramesh and Esther— Funds help with many widow’s meals weekly. One older adult girl's education for advanced study in medical records. Beggar women--rations once per month (oil, flour, shampoo, soap, sugar, tea, rice) and annually provide tarps (this is their home), jackets, etc.—given out of a local church based on their attendance. Peggy’s work with these beggar women has resulted, thus far, in 17 women being saved (who have 46 children) and now attend worship. local Orphanage--$200 monthly for food support for 40-60 kids. Also provides a resource to send street kids with no home, or parents. Village Sunday Schools—in 10 different villages. This effort each week is coordinated by local Pastors. Each Sunday School is for at least 2-3 hours and attended by 30-100+ kids. Each village has a pastor assigned to it and snacks are supplied each week, along with special events like Christmas. Many of these kids have been saved—this also draws their parents to Sunday School with curiosity.
Friends of India (Dr. David Shepherd)—state of Karnataka
David maintains a ministry in Southeast Asia for supporting the efforts of village workers. In addition to an ongoing contact with his partners, he returns to help teach and be a resource to these workers. The money for the following work is a resource that is not currently available to others on the field: Three sewing centers (using foot pedal machines) train women to keep them off the street/support family, across the area villages. It is a 6 month program-graduate with certificate, about 40 women per month in each center. But, they must allow the chaplain into their home for prayer, witness and encouraging the family. Local workers society now has 5 trainers in the field across rural districts for training leaders in all aspects of this work, and provides funds for salary and expenses Two groups of 30 pastors (in different languages) come monthly to the centers for training. These are the workers with the most potential –money is provided for travel, books, etc. This is a one year program and these new leaders will train others.. This literally serves as their “Bible college education”. Two pastors go monthly to villages with HIV kids (people discard them and their families) with powdered vitamins and share the gospel with kids and families—most children will ultimately die. Tentmakers School—This is a Bible and a trade training (to help workers come and provide travel and food while they are at the school. This is directed by is a long time church planter, and he has had a positive influence over about 2,000 village workers. Two other training centers (smaller) are operating in further regions for training new workers and leaders. Funds for medical needs, food, clothing, shelter and children's education are provided as much as possible for village workers.
Operation Christmas Child-Samaritan’s Purse
From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world. Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving. Year-round volunteers support these efforts across the country. Churches and groups of all sizes collect boxes from their communities. Some churches also serve as drop-off locations for shoeboxes the third week of November every year.
Lottie Moon
Lottie Moon – the namesake of the international missions offering – has become something of a legend to us. But in her time Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today's missionaries. She was a hard-working, deep-loving Southern Baptist who labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions’ involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists' first Christmas offering for international missions – enough to send three new missionaries to China.
International Mission Board – IMB
IMB partners with churches to empower missionary teams (3,600+ missionaries) who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. More than 4,800 people groups – close to 1 billion people – still live with little or no access to the gospel. Our mission is evangelizing, discipling, and planting reproducing churches among all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission. Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe, and nation knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ. We commit to obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to God’s inerrant Word. We believe Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for salvation and all people without personal faith in Him are lost and will spend eternity in hell. We seek to provide all people an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel in their own cultural context. We evangelize through proclamation, discipling, equipping, and ministry that results in indigenous reproducing Baptist churches. We serve churches to facilitate their involvement in the Great Commission and the sending of missionaries to bring all peoples to faith in Jesus Christ. We partner with Baptists and other Christians around the world in accordance with IMB guidelines. We understand and fulfill God’s mission through God’s Word, prayer, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Cost to operate the IMB is approximately $264 million annually - the special Lottie Moon offering given by the 47,000 SB churches annually provides approximately $154 million of this money and Cooperative Program giving provides approximately $110 million to support the IMB.