Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Jesus placed children of high importance in Christianity, to the point of encouraging his disciples to have a child-like faith (Matthew 18:1-3). At Calvary, we place a priority on children’s ministry. We would love for you and your family to connect with our children’s ministry leaders, as well as connecting with other families in the church. Raising children in the faith can be difficult, but having others in the same stage of life that your family can encourage and be encouraged by makes things a little easier.

Sunday Mornings
Calvary Kids Club
Children's Area
9:00 am
Our Kids Club program meets on Sunday mornings and encourages our children to learn about Jesus through singing, dancing, and having fun! Your son or daughter will have a great time playing with other kids and growing closer to God.
Calvary Kids Gathering
Children's Area
10:30 am
Our Kids Gathering is a time when the children are taught about Jesus as a large group. Imagine the Sunday service for adults but geared for children. Children will spend time, worshipping, listening to Bible Stories, and learning how to apply what the Bible says to their lives.
Wednesday Nights
Children's Area
6:00 pm
AWANA stands for “Approved workmen are not ashamed” which comes from 2 Timothy 2:15. AWANA teaches your child how to memorize scripture and apply it to their lives so that they can take a stand for the Gospel. Children will go through the AWANA curriculum which includes weekly challenges of scripture memorization and fill-in-the-blank pages to teach them what it means to follow God. The AWANA program also dedicates time to Christian community through game time.