Calvary Students

Growing together

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.


Sunday Morning
Life Group -- Fellowship Hall

We meet for High School and Middle School LIFE group at 9 AM on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall. Each week we have a fresh lesson prepared relevant to what students are facing today to help them better understand how to biblically approach today’s issues. We also plan a variety of High School and Middle School events out of our Sunday morning LIFE groups.  

Wednesday Night
Student Worship Service -- Fellowship Hall

Students 6th -12th grade are invited to hang out and join in at Calvary Students on Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall from 6:00-7:30 pm. This is a time for games, fellowship, and a message from God's Word directly applied to the students' lives in today's culture. The Fellowship Hall houses two pool tables, air hockey, games, foosball, hangout areas and a snack shop where everything costs $1.00 or less.

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